ALDA-Peach 2018 Board of Directors

Marge Tamas
president[at] |
Marge is one of the “founding mothers”
of ALDA-Peach. She is not late-deafened, but found tremendous
support from the online ALDA community when she began to
encounter problems related to hearing loss in her 30s. Her work
with ALDA-Peach is a way of paying that investment forward.
Marge has degrees in engineering and public health, and has developed
computer software to support medical research activities.
Currently, she is a medical writer for an international firm
which develops continuing education programs for physicians,
nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare providers.
enjoys long walks with her family, museum tours, photography,
ethnic cuisine, military history, and a little sewing. She
gladly uses hearing aids, FM systems, sign language, lipreading,
or written notes as needed to communicate with ALDA-Peach
members and guests.

Jim Stansell
vicepresident[at] |
Jim started with his hearing loss during military training. He
is currently hard of hearing.
Jim has been a carpenter
working with two custom staircase companies and was a job
superintendent for two retail construction companies.
Currently he has the opportunity to care for his daughter
(Kristin) who was injured in a car accident.
He loves the
ALDA motto: "Whatever Works!"

Secretary Sara Hartman
I still am not sure why I am deaf, but deafness has shaped who I
am today.
There are certain milestones I remember that,
I assume, caused or contributed to my deafness, as it is not
I had a serious illness with swollen glands and high fever when
I was an infant, and I have read that doctors often treated this
by giving shots directly into the glands, which later caused
deafness. Even though I was never tested as a child, I know that
I could not hear as well as others around me.
When I was 25, I developed encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain. I
lost a lot of hearing as a result of that.
When I was 27 and pregnant, I saw an ENT who told me that "you are going deaf;
you will be deaf in seven years and your baby is probably deaf
too." I had never even seen anybody who was deaf. Up until
that time, this was the worst day of my life! Thankfully, he was
wrong about seven years and my baby, but it made a lasting
impression on me about the insensitivity of health
professionals. It gave me empathy in teaching children who were
deaf and working with parents of those children.
Over the years, my hearing continued to decline at a steady rate
so that by the time I was in my mid-fifties I was socially
alienated by the hearing loss and having problems coping with my
job, even though I was working in a deaf school program. I
have a cochlear implant now and this has helped me interact
better with others.
I found the local ALDA chapter in Atlanta and have developed
some wonderful late-deafened friends. After all these years of
struggling, I make no excuses about being deaf and am at peace
with who I am. ALDA has helped me with that journey.

Steve Tamas
treasurer[at] |
Steve has been "adopted" into ALDA-Peach by association with his
wife, Marge, one of the "founding mothers" of the chapter.
Steve is a unique member of the board in that he has not
experienced hearing impairment but is familiar with
hearing loss difficulties through his
wife and through his friendship with ALDA-Peach members.
In addition to acting as Treasurer, he has been able to provide technical support for the
ALDA-Peach website and during the ALDA-Peach meetings.
He likes
the inclusiveness of ALDA-Peach and the acceptance of deafened members who use "whatever works" to
communicate and enjoy social events together. |

Ann Smith
memberatlarge[at] |
Ann grew up hard-of-hearing, and
became profoundly deaf in her 30s.
She attended public
schools, college, and graduate school with no accommodations,
long before the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed. She
has a supportive biological family, but loves to spend time with
her "just like me" ALDA family.
Anne has previously
served as president, secretary, and treasurer of ALDA-Peach, and
is one of the "founding mothers" of our chapter. |
ALDA-Peach Board of Directors Mail
List and Webmail for the exclusive use
of the ALDA-Peach board |
ALDA-Peach board member's group |
Send an "official" e-mail via web-mail from your ALDA-Peach
officer's e-mail address:
(incoming e-mail is
forwarded to your private e-mail address) | |